Macroeconomic Theory


Nathaniel Cline



Consumption data


The Keynesian Consumption Function


Goods Market Equilibrium


Review and to Do

Consumption Data

  • PCE
    • durable goods
    • non-durable goods
    • services
  • CE
    • household interview data
    • does not impute or use NPISHs


Keynes proposed that on average, consumption was closely related to current income, but would not move 1 for 1 will current income:


Often specified as:

\[ C = c_0 + c_1Y_D\] where:

\(c_1\) is the average propensity to consume out of current income

\(c_0\) is the portion of consumption NOT attributable to current income

Total Demand

Total demand in the economy is:

\[Z= C + \bar{I} + \bar{G} + \bar{NX}\]

Equilibrium and Inventories

  • We assume that producers make predictions about demand and have a target inventory

  • These two considerations help them determine the amount to produce

  • However, they could be wrong, in which case inventories will either be drawn down or pile up

Equilibrium and Inventories

  • If inventories pile up because \(Y>Z\), we can assume producers will decrease production next period

  • If inventories are drawn down because \(Y<Z\), we can assume producers will increase production next period

  • If inventories are at target because \(Y=Z\) producers will not change production (equilibrium)

Deriving Equilibrium

\[ Y = Z \]

\[Y = c_c + c_1(Y-T) + \bar{I} +\bar{G} + \bar{NX}\]

\[Y - c_1Y = c_0 -c_1T + \bar{I} + \bar{NX}\]

\[Y = \frac{1}{1-c_1}(c_0 - c_1T + \bar{I} + \bar{G} + \bar{NX})\]

The Mulitplier and Autonomous Spending

\[Y = \frac{1}{1-c_1}(c_0 - c_1T + \bar{I} + \bar{G} + \bar{NX})\]

We call \((c_0 - c_1T + \bar{I} + \bar{G} + \bar{NX})\) autonomous spending

We call \(\frac{1}{1-c_1}\) the multiplier

The Multiplier

  • The multiplier implies that a change in autonomous spending will cause an even larger change in equilibrium GDP

  • Spending creates income which then induces further spending

  • This principle is at the core of a lot of macroeconomic policy making

  • You can think of autonomous spending as a splash, and the multiplier as ripples

Equilibrium Graphically

Consumption Practice

Suppose the consumption equation is represented by the following: \[C = 250 + .8Y_D\] Assume that investment, govenment spending, and net exports can be described as: \[I = 100\]

\[G = 50\]

\[T = 100\]

\[NX = 0\]

  1. What are the values of \(c_0\) and \(c_1\)?
  2. Solve for equilibrium GDP
  3. Plot equilibrium
  4. What is the multiplier in this economy?
  5. What is private savings (\(Y_D - C\)) in equilibrium?
  6. Assume that consumers try to increase savings by reducing autonomous consumption by 50. What is the effect on private savings?


  • The adjustment of output over time is called the dynamics of adjustment.

  • How long the adjustment takes depends on how and when firms revise their production schedule.

  • In other words, the full multiplier effect won’t happen immediately.

Effects of a change in spending over time

  • Period 1

\[\Delta C \rightarrow \Delta Y\]

  • Period 2

\[c_1(\Delta Y)\]

  • Period 3

\[c_1(c_1 \Delta Y)\]

  • Period 4

\[c_1(c_1 (c_1 (\Delta Y)))\]

Summing the series

\[\Delta Y + c_1(\Delta Y) + c_1^2 (\Delta Y) + c_1^3 (\Delta Y) + \ldots + c_1^n(\Delta Y)\] Extracting Y \[\Delta Y (1 + c_1 + c_1^2 + \ldots + c_1^n)\]

As the series approaches its limit:

\[\Delta Y (\frac{1}{1-c_1})\]

Forward Looking Consumption

Some problems with the simple Keynesian consumption function

  • The Keynesian consumption function implies that the average propensity to consume:

\[ \frac{C}{Y_d} = \frac{c_0 + c_1Y_d}{Y_d} \]

  • So that as income rises, consumption becomes a declining share of total income

  • But as you have seen in your homeworks, consumption is a roughly constant (and recently increasing!) share of total income

The role of interest rates?

  • As we saw earlier, the classical theorists thought that interest rates played a big role in decisions to save and therefore consume.

  • But the interest rate plays no role in the Keynesian story

Why do people save?

  • People save because they think they will need money in the future

  • Macroeconomists often think of the decision to save as a decision to consume later

  • though there are some issues with this

  • Some economists have thus argued that consumption should in general depend on a consumers vision of the future

Life Cycle Savings

  • In a series of papers in the 1950s Franco Modigliani argued for a life cycle style consumption function

  • Saving allows consumers to move income from those times in life when income is high to those times when it is low.

  • Most people plan to stop working at about age 65, and they expect their incomes to fall when they retire. To maintain consumption, people must save during their working years.

Stable consumption over a lifetime

  • Suppose a consumer expects to live another T years, has wealth of W, and expects to earn income Y per year until he retires R years from now.

  • lifetime resources are composed of initial wealth \(W\) and lifetime earnings \(R \times Y\)

\[ C = \frac{W+RY}{T}\]

\[ C = (1/T)W + (R/T)Y \]

If all consumers do this, aggregate income looks like:

\[ C = \alpha W + \beta Y \] in other words, wealth is now our \(C_0\)

Resolving the puzzle

  • While income increases in the short run, sure higher income corresponds to a lower average propensity to consumer

  • Over the long run though, income grows wealth, which shifts the consumption function up

Permanent income hypothesis

  • In a book published in 1957, Milton Friedman proposed the permanent-income hypothesis

\[ Y = Y^P + Y^T \]

Where \(Y^P\) is permanent income, and \(Y^T\) are transitory fluctuations in income

Friedman argued that permanent income will have much larger influence than transitory


  • According to the permanent-income hypothesis, the average propensity to consume depends on the ratio of permanent income to current income.

  • When current income temporarily rises above permanent income, the average propensity to consume temporarily falls; when current income temporarily falls below permanent income, the average propensity to consume temporarily rises.

Implications for the multiplier

  • Future oriented theories of consumption imply that government stimulus may not be as effective as the Keynesians suggested

  • In particular, if a tax cut or increase in government spending is a short term even (like stimulus checks), it will be primarily saved because it does not increase lifetime income

  • But it does imply that financial markets could play a big role in consumption

The Data

In practice consumption seems to be more volatile and more closely related to short term changes in income than future oriented theories predict.


Durable Goods

Durable goods tend to be very very volatile and closely realted to short term income.

Three kinds of considerations:

  1. Real interest rate

  2. Credit availability

  3. Uncertainty about future income

Credit Rationing

  • But even non-durables are more sensitive than we would expect.

  • One reason is that households must have large prior wealth, or access to credit to smooth consumption

  • Many households do not have stocks of wealth, and even more importantly, credit is often rationed

  • In part this is because of imperfect information

In sum

We can say:

  • Consumers try to smooth consumption

  • Wealth matters

  • Access to credit matters

  • Consumption is still pretty closely related to current income.